5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Commercial Roof

If you are in charge or own a commercial property, you have a lot to juggle. From dealing with tenants to general maintenance, it is easy to see why you would overlook the condition of the roof. However, issues with roofing can cause substantial problems with your tenants, customers, clients, partners, and even the regulatory bodies, both in the short term and long term.

To avoid inconvenience and emergency repairs, it is advisable to replace the roof before it starts to show severe wear and tear. If you know what to look for during regular inspections, you will be able to save both time and money. That being said, here are five common signs that it’s time for a commercial roof replacement.

1. Leaking

This is arguably the most obvious sign of damage and it applies to both residential and commercial properties. While some leaks could lead to water literally making its way into the building, others may manifest themselves earlier in the form of mold, mildew, water spots, stains, and drips. As such, you need to remain vigilant and have the structure inspected at least once a year.

2. Bare Spots

Most commercial settings use flat roof systems, and the roof membrane is a crucial component. Issues come up when there are bare or bald spots, making the membrane rise and allowing moisture penetration. In such a situation, the roof will have to be resealed to avoid substantial water damage down the line. If left unattended, you may be looking at roof replacement.

3. Sagging

If part of the roof is sagging, it is a telltale sign that there is substantial damage. Sagging is apparent where there is an accumulation of excessive moisture, or in situations where the roof is installed on top of an old one.


In comparison to other roof damage signs, sagging is one of the most noticeable as it is easy to see when the structure is significantly disturbed. Never overlook this level of damage as it can result in substantial dangers including roof collapse. When you notice a sagging roof, it is advisable to seek professional assistance as soon as possible.

4. Discoloration

Discoloration is another telltale sign that it is time to replace your commercial roof. The discoloration is often caused by fading, mold, and other forms of damage and so, if you notice it, schedule a roof repair or replacement project.

5. Aging

Generally, commercial asphalt roofs last between 10 to 20 years. Metal roofs on the other hand can last you 50 to 70 years, depending on the level of care during the lifespan. If your property has a very old roof, chances are it will reveal signs of deterioration, which will indicate it is time for a replacement.

Ensure you pay close attention to the condition of such roofs, particularly in extreme weather, and that they can withstand the winter season. To be safe, it is advisable to get a professional to conduct a thorough inspection.


These are the most common signs of roof damage, and often tell you if you should get the commercial roof replaced.